José Parlá: It's Yours

The Bronx Museum of the Arts
José Parlá, 2020

Publisher: Damiani.

ISBN: 978-88-6208-7285

Dimensions: 30 x 25 cm

pages: 112

This catalogue is published in conjunction with the exhibition José Parlá: It's Yours held at The Bronx Museum of the Arts, The Bronx, New York (February 26-January 10, 2021). 

Exhibition Curator: Manon Slome

Authors: Henry Chalfant, Dr. Manon Slome, Naiomy M. Guerrero, Joseph Mizzi, and José Parlá

Designer: Javas Lehn Studio

Editor: Rey Parlá

Proofreader: Emilie Ortolan

ISBN 978-88-6208-7285

USD 50.00

First published in April 2020 Co-published by The Bronx Museum of the Arts, Bryce Wolkowitz Gallery, Ben Brown Fine Arts & Damiani