- Tony Bevan, Self Portrait after Messerschmidt (PC1011), 2010
- Tony Bevan, Skylight (PC1713), 2017
- Yoan Capote, Isla (Devenir), 2019
- Yoan Capote, Isla (Temor), 2018
- Yoan Capote, Stress (Desplazados), 2019
- Awol Erizku, Oh, What a Feeling, Fuck it, I Want a Billion (Purple), 2018
- Awol Erizku, Double Jeopardy, 2019
- Awol Erizku, Malcolm x Freestyle (Pharaoh's Dance), 2019-20
- Enoc Perez, Fred Hughes' Factory Office, 22nd East 33rd St, New York City, Study, 2019
- Hank Willis Thomas, History is Past, Past is Present, 2019
- Gavin Turk, American Bag, 2015
Tony Bevan, Self Portrait after Messerschmidt (PC1011), 2010
Ben Brown Fine Arts is proud to announce our participation in Frieze Online Viewing Room, 5-14 May 2021, where we will present a curated virtual booth of new and important works by the gallery’s stable of contemporary artists, including Tony Bevan, Yoan Capote, Awol Erizku, Vik Muniz, José Parlá, Enoc Perez, Ena Swansea, Hank Willis Thomas and Gavin Turk.
Wednesday Preview, May 5, 11am EST – Invitation only
Thursday Preview, May 6, 11am EST – Invitation & Frieze members only
Friday, May 7, 11am EST - Friday, May 14, midnight EST – Free access to all
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