ORI GERSHT in Prix Pictet Disorder Tour

at The Museum of Photographic Arts, San Diego, CA

11 February - 23 May 2017

The Prix Pictet prize highlights important social and environmental issues through the use of photography. In its sixth cycle, 12 artists examine the disorder they see in the world. The exhibition Prix Pictet: Disorder brings global attention to a range of concerns from mass production to the effects of war to natural disasters. 

For the theme of this cycle, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, Kofi Annan elaborates in his essay for the accompanying catalogue: "Our times are defined by disorder. Our mastery over manifold aspects of life has deluded us into thinking that we have bent the planet to our will. Yet the fragility of that assumption is exposed with each new pandemic, earthquake, tsunami or drought. With each passing day our illusion of order is shattered."

February 16, 2017