- Günther Uecker, Kleine Malerische Handlung Kreis Kreise, 1983
- Gerhard Richter, Abstraktes Bild [Abstract Painting], 1992
- Gerhard Richter, Zwei Frauen am Tisch [Two Women at a Table], 1968
- Heinz Mack, Ohne Titel [Untitled], 1962
- Heinz Mack, Ohne Titel [Untitled], 1957
- Gilbert & George, A Toast, 1973
- Gilbert & George, Cock, 1977
- Lucio Fontana, Crocefissione, 1957-58
- Lucio Fontana, Sirene, 1949
- Alighiero Boetti, Aerei, 1989
- Alighiero Boetti, Aerei, 1977
- Alighiero Boetti, Attirare l’Attenzione, 1988
- Alighiero Boetti, Faccine Colorate, 1979
- Alighiero Boetti, Giocare, 1978
- Alighiero Boetti, Mano Libera Pensieri Sciolti, 1981
- Alighiero Boetti, Sciogliersi Come Neve al Sole, c. 1988
- Alighiero Boetti, Senza Titolo (Pantere), 1990
- Alighiero Boetti, Tutto, c. 1988
- Alighiero Boetti, Tra Sé e Sé (Premio Ubu), 1979
- Alighiero Boetti, Shaman-Showman, 1980
- Tony Bevan, Head and Neck (PC959), 1995
- Miquel Barceló, Patine Sacrificielle, 1999-2000
- Frank Auerbach, Reclining Head of Julia, 2007-08
- Frank Auerbach, Reclining Head of Julia II, 1994
- Frank Auerbach, Head of Jake, 2003-04
- Miquel Barceló, Bodegón avec Protozoaires et Trous Noirs, 2000-2003
- Tony Bevan, Upturned Hands in Front of Window (PC9126), 1991
- Tony Bevan, Self Portrait (PC938), 1993
- Tony Bevan, Head Horizon (PC967), 1996
- Tony Bevan, Corridor (PC9710), 1997
- Alighiero Boetti, EMME I ELLE ELLE E...(Verde su Verde), 1970
- Alighiero Boetti, Senza Titolo (Uno Nove Sette Otto), 1978
- Alighiero Boetti, Tra Sé e Sé (Premio Ubu), 1978-79
- Alighiero Boetti, San Bernardino (Mano Aperta Pugno Chiuso), 1979
- Alighiero Boetti, Tra Sé e Sé (Fogli e Carte Arrivate fin Qui...), 1987
- Alighiero Boetti, Niente da Vedere Niente da Nascondere, 1988
- Alighiero Boetti, Le Cose Nascono dalla Necessità e dal Caso, 1988
- Alighiero Boetti, Senza Titolo (Giordano è Stato Battezzato è Sera Piove…), 1992
Günther Uecker, Kleine Malerische Handlung Kreis Kreise, 1983
We are delighted to be returning to Frieze Masters (stand B13) this year with a curated selection of masterworks bringing together some of the most important post-war artists across Europe and putting them in dialogue. Seminal works by Frank Auerbach, Tony Bevan and Gilbert & George in Britain; Lucio Fontana and Alighiero Boetti in Italy; Gerhard Richter, Heinz Mack and Günther Uecker in Germany; Claude Lalanne in France and Antoni Tàpies and Miquel Barceló in Spain take centre stage. Their works explore ideas of light, space, movement, structure, technology, colour and art’s experiential possibilities and demonstrate the ways in which the traditions of the past have been cast aside in the spirit of experimentation.
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